LPS Newsletter

#Article 29

Huge congratulations to our Primary 7s who won the annual Leith Academy Primary 7 Maths Challenge Competition. The B team who comprised of Erin, Laksh and Antos, came first overall, beating Lorne, Hermitage Park and Craigentinny Primaries.

We are enormously proud of them for showcasing their top mathematical skills and for representing the school and themselves in such an exemplary manner. Well done Leithers!

Leith Primary Gets a Life Saving Defibrillator #Article 24

We received our new defibrillator this week at Leith Primary School. It is situated outside the lunch hall on the ground floor of the main school building. The school is now signed up to The Circuit, the national defibrillator network which helps people identify their closest defibrillator in an emergency situation.

If you are interested in learning how to use a defibrillator or how to offer CPR in an emergency, visit this website: https://www.bhf.org.uk/how-you-can-help/how-to-save-a-life/defibrillators

Young Carers Day of Action

#Article 12 #Article 13 #Article 15

March 13th was Young Carers’ Action day. The Equalities Pupil Group wanted to raise awareness of the incredible work that young carers do- so this was an ideal opportunity to do so!

Armed with iPads, the Equalities group did their research, finding out what Young Carers are, what they do, what their rights are and why they need support. They then created a PowerPoint slide show to share with the school at assembly. A few of the members of the Equalities Group are Young Carers and one of them shared with the school what this experience was like for him.

Mrs Moloney is the Young Carer Co-ordinator at Leith Primary school. At the assembly, she shared with the school that we have a Young Carer Team, dedicated to supporting and identifying Young Carers in our school community. Pupils can approach them for help and advice.

We work very closely with the charity Edinburgh Young Carers. There is a link to their web page here, if you would like to find out more about what they do.

We are proud to say that all staff at Leith Primary School have had training and are Young Carer aware.

If you think that someone in your family might be a young carer- because they have a sibling or parent at home who has a disability, physical or mental health issues or problems with addiction, you can contact the school directly for advice and a possible referral to Edinburgh Young Carers.

Leith Primary School Health Week #Article 29 #Article 31

Next week is our annual health and fitness celebration that focusses on pupils’ physical health and wellbeing. We have an exciting week packed with activities and workshops to help encourage pupils to get active and stay fit.

Take a Look at the Timetable

Note that the week starts off with a 20 minute fun family exercise session in the playground with Aidan Haughey, our Active Sports Coordinator.

The children will also be doing a Daily 1km Run around the Links as well as quizzes and workshops about healthy eating, getting active and staying mentally healthy.

On Thursday, children can come to school dressed in their favourite sports gear (no football strips please), Eat the Rainbow colours or with ‘crazy hair’. The suggestions came from the Pupil Health & Wellbeing Group who are working towards the school’s Silver Sport Scotland Award.

Teen Triple P Parenting Classes #Article 18

Dear Parents and Carers

I am writing to let you know about the citywide Teen Triple P Parenting Group opportunities that will be running April – June 2024 with an additional group added at St Augustine’s RC HS.

We welcome applications directly from parents and carers or someone can apply on their behalf. Applications can be made by completing our online application form. If you require more information or you wish to discuss particular support needs please contact jill.coleman@edinburgh.gov.uk

I have attached a Teen Triple P leaflet for more information.

Day Face to Face NE

Craigentinney Community Centre, 9 Loaning Rd, Edinburgh EH7 6JE

Wednesday’s 1/05, 8/05, 15/05, 22/05, 29/05, 5/06, 12/06, 19/06

Time: 1.15-3.15pm

Day Face to Face NW

West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre 19 W Pilton Grove, Edinburgh EH4 4BY

Thursday’s 2/05, 9/05,16/05, 23/5, 30/05,6/06,13/06, 20/06

Time: 1.15-3.15pm 

Evening Face to Face SE

St Augustines RC High School 208 Broomhouse Rd, Edinburgh, EH12 9AD l

Thursday 2/05, 9/05,16/05, 23/5, 30/05,6/06,13/06, 20/06

Time: 6.00pm-8.00pm

Evening Teen Triple P Virtual Group  – access to laptop or pc required, we will be using TEAMS for delivery (FULL but names can be added to waiting list)

Wednesday’s 1/05, 8/05, 15/05, 22/05, 29/05, 5/06, 12/06, 19/06

Time: 6.00-8.00pm

Any questions please don’t hesitate getting in touch. 

Kind Regards

Jill Coleman

Parent/Carer Teacher Consultations #Article 12 #Article 29

Thank you to everyone who was able to meet with their child’s class teacher to discuss their progress in learning over the last couple of weeks.

Parents and carers are a child’s first and main teacher, spending 85% or more of any average school year at home. This is why we greatly value being able to meet with you as the experts in what makes your child tick. We want to get the best we can from our pupils in the remaining 15% of a typical year when we have them. Sharing information and collaborating is the best way to support your child to achieve success at school.

We really value parents and carers feedback to help us get better at supporting our pupils with their learning and development. Please take a moment to complete this short survey to help us with our future plans for the school.


End of Term #Article 30 #Article 31

Please remember that the Spring Term ends on Thursday this week at the usual finish times (3pm and 3.15pm). Staff and children will be on holiday until Tuesday 16th April when everyone will begin back for the Summer Term.

Happy Easter and Eid Mubarak to our families when these celebrations arrive.

Our Leithers of the Week # Article 29

Well done to all our Leithers who have Believed, Persevered & Achieved over the last two weeks. We are all very proud of you.

HaydenPrimary 1/2For trying his best in phonics. He is doing a fantastic job remembering his initial sounds and can now independently write his own name. Well done Hayden.
LottiePrimary 1/2For showing kindness to her peers. Lottie has been spending time this week creating some lovely pictures for her friends. 
LiamPrimary 1aLiam has been trying particularly hard with his writing this week. He independently wrote a sentence and even checked his work for capital letters, finger spaces and full stops! Super work, Liam!
EyadPrimary 1aEyad has been working hard over the last few weeks to follow the school rules and routines. He has been a kind friend and was ready to learn in phonics. Well done!
Alexander Primary 1bAlexander has been working really hard in phonics and can say lots of new sounds. He is also writing his new letters beautifully. Well done Alexander! 
LukasPrimary 1bLukas has been working really hard to listen and focus on the carpet and during group time.
DavidPrimary 2David has been working hard this week, to focus well when we are on the carpet or moving from one task to another.  He has already shown that he can focus really well during tasks and channel his energy into producing quality pieces of work.  Well David, you can do it!
IrisPrimary 2Iris has been demonstrating her dancing skills, whilst learning our dance routine in PE.  She’s been keeping up with the changing actions, keeping in time with the beat and being aware of her body movements in her own space.  She also gave really effective feedback to her classmates about their skills.  Well done Iris!
LindaPrimary 3You did an amazing job describing your dream reading space using your 5 senses and I was able to imagine just what it looked, sounded and felt like. It was wonderful to watch you challenge yourself and write independently. You should be so proud of yourself!
JessPrimary 3You have taken on extra responsibility this week and have been a great teacher to all of your classmates, especially in all of the work we’ve been doing in our non-fiction features. I hope you are proud of yourself!
MamadouPrimary 4For persevering and challenging himself in Reading, well done!
RayyanPrimary 4Rayyan has made lots of progress in Writing recently – well done!
EllePrimary 5aElle has been working hard in writing and wrote and edited a piece of writing this week. Well done
LuciaPrimary 5aFor showing great organisation skills, for supporting others and for persevering with tasks and always striving to do her best. Well done
MateuszPrimary 5bMateusz has shown an  increase in confidence when writing independently, applying punctuation and spelling skills. He is also developing better reading skills, working well within his group. Well done!
JulietPrimary 5bJuliet has persevered in developing her writing skills producing fantastic writing which she has confidently shared with the class. Well done Juliet!
LilyanPrimary 6Lilyan was showing excellent thinking in her maths this week, spotting patterns in her times tables and applying this. Keep up the good work Lilyan!
JakubPrimary 6Jakub has been really focused in his reading this week taking on an additional challenge and really applying himself, keep up the good work!
MariannaPrimary 6/7Marianna has been incredibly resilient and hard working when it comes to Numeracy and working with fractions and percentages. Well done Marianna, keep going!
YanisPrimary 6/7Yanis continues to up level his writing skills each week. This week Yanis has successfully added personification and metaphors into his writing. Well done Yanis, keep it up!
AlexanderPrimary 6/7Alexander has noticeably been working harder to take initiative when it comes to his learning. Alexander has been leading by example and become a great role model to those around him. Alex has started to take more pride in his work, and in particularly, has up levelled his writing skills. Well done Alexander, keep it up!
Remaz, Akrm, Wegdan, Dina and AmnaPrimary 7For creating a lovely and informative PowerPoint about Ramadan and presenting it with confidence to their class. Well done everyone!