LPS Newsletter

Pupils had an almost tropical trip to Cairngorm this week on the annual skiing residential. A group of 32 pupils from P5-P7 still had fun learning the basics and perfecting some new life skills such as making their own bed! #Article 31

Parent-Teacher Consultations #Article 18

Please look out for an email prompting you to make an appointment to meet with your child’s class teacher to discuss their progress in learning this month. Dates vary slightly for some classes so make sure to use the correct link.

Better Sleep Week # Article 24

Primary school aged children need around ten hours of sleep a night to ensure their brain and body develops in the way it should. A lack of sleep can reduce the amount of learning a child does and negatively impact on the quality of their friendships, their behaviour, their appetite and their mood. Quality sleep is as essential to the body as food and water.

With this in mind, we are running our second Better Sleep Week from Monday 11th – Friday 15th March.

We know that a lack of sleep is having a detrimental impact on a growing number of our pupils. Whether the root cause is anxiety, difficulties with housing, neighbourhood noise, difficult bedtimes or excessive use of screens, we can support you to improve this important aspect of your child’s health.

Kristy Johnson, our Citadel Family Support Worker, is a trained sleep coach who has helped many families to tackle difficulties with poor sleep. Kristy is running a Sleep Support Workshop on Wednesday 13th March just after drop off. Why don’t you come along and find out a bit more about what you and she can do to improve your child’s sleep at home.

If you are facing difficulties with housing or sleeping arrangements that affect your child’s sleep, please get in touch with Kerry Anderson, our CHAI Support Worker, who can support you with matters around housing and finance. Email her at kerry.anderson@chaiedinburgh.org.uk or call the school office to book an appointment with her.

Information Sessions for Parents with P1-P3 Children with Suspected or Diagnosed Autism Conditions #Article 24

Please see attached flier below for online autism parent information sessions for parents and carers of children in P1-3 mainstream schools.

Sessions begin on Wednesday 6th March 2024 @12:30-2pm; The sessions are appropriate for parents, grandparents or carers. Young people themselves should not attend. The sessions will take place at lunchtime each week on Microsoft Teams. 

A recording of the sessions will be made available to all those who register. You do not need to attend the live sessions to receive these recordings.

Interested parents should book a place by contacting the number on the flier or via Eventbrite: details on the flier attached. Once the Eventbrite spaces are full, parents can still book a place by calling the office. Details on the flier attached. You can also click on THIS LINK

*Please note that we welcome parents of children without a formal diagnosis

Leithers of the Week #Article 29

Well done to all these hard working Leithers!

AhaanPrimary 1/2For trying really hard in phonics and gaining confidence when writing!
EsmeraldaPrimary 1aEsmeralda has been trying exceptionally hard in phonics and writing. She has been checking her finished work to ensure she has used capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Well done Esmeralda!
HaneenPrimary 1bBeing an exceptionally supportive friend.
MasonPrimary 2Mason persevered with his Numeracy activity this week and put a big effort into counting on and back from two digit numbers, even though he found it tricky at the start.  Well done Mason!
EsmeePrimary 3They regularly show good Sportsmanship. This was especially true in Tuesday’s PE session when she showed kindness to other members of the class and responsibility when she created and led a skipping activity.
AnthonyPrimary 3/4For being an effective learner by having recently made a huge effort to improve his writing. He has also been an effective contributor this week because he answered a very specific question a visitor asked about coding, to which the answer was “algorithms”. Keep up the good work!
BellePrimary 4For working so hard on her mental maths skills – well done!
RobertPrimary 5aRobert has been completing tasks independently and challenging himself more. Well done and keep it up.
TempyPrimary 5bTempy has been a respectful and responsible member of our class this week. She has contributed effectively in our class activities and has been a supportive member in co-operative learning. Thank you Tempy!
AlfiePrimary 6/7Alfie has been working tirelessly over the last two terms to improve his spelling skills. Alfie has made  great progress and become a very independent writer. Well done Alfie!
TasPrimary 7For being a kind and supportive Paired Reading tutor with a younger pupil.